Sistem Kredit Semester (SKS) Pendidikan Sarjana Psikologi Universitas Sebelas Maret (UNS) mewajibkan Mahasiswa menempuh minimal 150 SKS (138 SKS MKW dan 12 SKS MKP) untuk dinyatakan lulus sebagai Sarjana Psikologi. Struktur Kurikulum terbagi menjadi 3 (tiga) kategori Mata Kuliah, yaitu Mata Kuliah Wajib Universitas (MKWU) 20 SKS, Mata Kuliah Wajib Program Studi (MKWPS) 118 SKS, dan Mata Kuliah Pilihan (MKP) 26 SKS.


Mata Kuliah Wajib Universitas (MKWUUPT) 20 10
Mata Kuliah Wajib Program Studi (MKWPS) 118 45
Mata Kuliah Pilihan (MKP) 52 26
JUMLAH 190 81


1. UN0011B Pendidikan Agama Islam Islamic Religions Education 1 MKWUUPT 2
2. UN0011C Pendidikan Agama Kristen Christian Religions Education MKWUUPT
3. UN0011D Pendidikan Agama Katholik Catholic Religions Education MKWUUPT
4. UN0011E Pendidikan Agama Hindu Buddhism Religions Education MKWUUPT
5. UN0011F Pendidikan Agama Budha Hinduism Religions Education MKWUUPT
6. UN0011A Pendidikan Pancasila Pancasila Education 1 MKWUUPT 2
7. UN0022B Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan Citizenship Education 1 MKWUUPT 2
8. UN0022C Bahasa Indonesia Indonesian Language 1 MKWUUPT 2
9. UN0022D Bahasa Inggris English Language 1 MKWPS 2
10. PSO101A Ilmu Sosial dan Budaya Dasar Basic Social and Cultural Sciences 1 MKWPS 2
11. PSO102 Sosiologi Sociology 1 MKWPS 2
12. PSO103A Filsafat Umum General Philosophy 1 MKWPS 2
13. PSK104A Psikologi Umum I General Psychology I 1 MKWPS 3
14. PSK107A Psikologi Perkembangan I Developmental Psychology I 1 MKWPS 3
15. PSO105A Kode Etik Psikologi Code of Ethics in Psychology 1 MKWPS 2
16. PSO110 Filsafat Manusia Human Philosophy 2 MKWUUPT 2
17. PSU111 Psikologi Umum II General Psychology II 2 MKWUUPT 3
18. PSP205A Psikologi Perkembangan II Developmental Psychology II 2 MKWPS 3
19. PSK106 Psikologi Kepribadian I Personality Psychology I 2 MKWPS 3
20. PSS108A Psikologi Sosial I Social Psychology I 2 MKWPS 3
21. PSD109A Psikologi Pendidikan Educational Psychology 2 MKWPS 3
22. PSO308 Psikologi Kognitif Cognitive Psychology 2 MKWPS 2
23. PSU207 Psikologi Belajar Learning Psychology 2 MKWPS 2
24. PSK203A Biopsikologi Biopsychology 2 MKWPS 3
25. PSK204 Psikologi Kepribadian II Personality Psychology II 3 MKWPS 3
26. PSS206A Psikologi Sosial II Social Psychology II 3 MKWPS 3
27. PSS219 Psikologi Komunikasi Communication Psychology 3 MKWPS 2
28. PSI209 Psikologi Industri dan Organisasi Industrial and Organizational Psychology 3 MKWPS 3
29. UN0060 Pendidikan Kewirausahaan Entrepreneurship Education 3 MKWUUPT 2
30. PSU303A Psikometri Psychometry 3 MKWPS 3
31. PSO213A Statistika Statistics 3 MKWPS 3
32. PSO201A Metodologi Penelitian Kuantitatif Metodologi Penelitian Kuantitatif 3 MKWPS 3
33. PSU201A Asesmen Psikologi (Pengantar Psikodiagnostik) Psychological Assessment (Introduction to Psychodiagnostics) 3 MKWPS 2
34. PSS401 Psikologi Komunitas Community Psychology 4 MKWPS 2
35. PSI415 Manajemen Sumber Daya Manusia Human Resource Management 4 MKWPS 2
36. PSI407 Kewirausahaan dan Proses Bisnis Entrepreneurship and Business Process 4 MKWPS 2
37. PSK306 Kesehatan Mental Mental Health 4 MKWPS 2
38. PSK307 Psikopatologi Psychopathology 4 MKWPS 3
39. PSU112A Psikodiagnostika I (Observasi) Psychodiagnostics I (Observation) 4 MKWPS 3
40. PSU113A Psikodiagnostika II (Interview) Psikodiagnostics II (Interview) 4 MKWPS 3
41. PSU302 Konstruksi Tes dan Skala Psikologi Psychological Test and Scale Construction 4 MKWPS 3
42. PSP001 Psikologi Anak Usia Dini Early Childhood Psychology 4 MKP 2
43. PSP004 Psikologi Anak Child Psychology 4 MKP 2
44. PSS412 Psikologi Agama Religious Psychology 4 MKP 2
45. PSS218 Psikologi Lingkungan Environmental Psychology 4 MKP 2
46. PSK418A Psikologi Forensik Forensic Psychology 4 MKP 2
47. PSK420A Psikologi Seks dan Perkawinan Psychology of Sex and Marriage 4 MKP 2
48. PSI021 Psikologi Kesehatan dan Keselamatan Kerja Psychology of Occupational Health and Safety 4 MKP 2
49. PSI416 Analisis Jabatan Department Analysis 4 MKP 2
50. PSS317 Psikologi Lintas Budaya Cross-Cultural Psychology 5 MKWPS 2
51. PSK208 Psikologi Klinis Clinical Psychology 5 MKWPS 3
52. PSI307 Manajemen Organisasi Organizational Management 5 MKWPS 2
53. PSU212A Psikologi Eksperimen Experimental Psychology 5 MKWPS 3
54. PSO211A Metodologi Penelitian Kualitatif Qualitative Research Methodology 5 MKWPS 3
55. PSU114A Psikodiagnostika III (Tes Inteligensi dan Bakat) Psychodiagnostics III (Intelligence and Aptitude Test) 5 MKWPS 3
56. PSU115A Psikodiagnostika IV (Inventori dan Minat) Psychodiagnostics IV (Inventory and Interest) 5 MKWPS 2
57. PSK305.1 Psikoterapi Psychotherapy 5 MKWPS 2
58. PSP002 Psikologi Anak Berkebutuhan Khusus Psychology of Children with Special Needs 5 MKP 2
59. PSP005 Psikologi Remaja Adolescent Psychology 5 MKP 2
60. PSP007 Psikologi Keluarga Family Psychology 5 MKP 2
61. PSS221 Psikologi Konflik dan Perdamaian Psychology of Conflict and Peace 5 MKP 2
62. PSS423 Psikologi Olah Raga Sports Psychology 5 MKP 2
63. PSK017 Psikologi Kesehatan dan Keperawatan Health and Nursing Psychology 5 MKP 2
64. PSK018 Psikologi Krisis dan Bencana Psychology of Crisis and Disaster 5 MKP 2
65. PSI428 Penilaian Kinerja Organisasi Organizational Performance Assessment 5 MKP 2
66. PSI237 Psikologi Konsumen dan Pemasaran Consumer Psychology and Marketing 5 MKP 2
67. PSP318 Deteksi Dini Perkembangan Anak Early Detection of Child Development 6 MKWPS 2
68. PSU116A Psikodiagnostika V (Tes Proyektif) Psikodiagnostics V (Tes Proyectif) 6 MKWPS 3
69. PSK325 Modifikasi Perilaku Behavior Modification 6 MKWPS 2
70. PSI411 Penyusunan Rancangan Pelatihan Preparation of Training Designs 6 MKWPS 2
71. PSK305A Teknik Konseling Counseling Techniques 6 MKWPS 3
72. PSO316 Teknik Penulisan Skripsi Thesis Writing Techniques 6 MKWPS 2
73. PSP003 Kesulitan Belajar Learning Difficulties 6 MKP 2
74. PSP006 Psikologi Dewasa Adult Psychology 6 MKP 2
75. PSS012 Psikologi Kriminal dan Hukum Criminal Psychology and Law 6 MKP 2
76. PSS311 Patologi dan Rehabilitasi Sosial Pathology and Social Rehabilitation 6 MKP 2
77. PSS014 Psikologi Politik Political Psychology 6 MKP 2
78. PSK409 Asesmen Klinis Clinical Assessments 6 MKP 2
79. PSK408 Psikiatri Psychiatry 6 MKP 2
80. PSI427 Kepemimpinan Organisasi Organizational Leadership 6 MKP 2
81. PSI026 Pengembangan Organisasi Organizational Development 6 MKP 2
82. PSU413 Kegiatan Magang Mahasiswa Student Internship Activities 7 MKWUUPT 2
83. KKN111 Kuliah Kerja Nyata Real Work Lectures 7 MKWUUPT 2
84. PSO414 Skripsi Final Thesis 7 MKWUUPT 6
85. PSS424A Psikologi Budaya Jawa Javanese Cultural Psychology 7 MKWPS 2